Salesforce DevOps Center accessing your organization Github Repo

The steps to fix new project error when setting up Salesforce DevOps center using organization Github repos.

Project creation errors

I recently tried Salesforce DevOps center with my organization Github Repo, and when I was creating a new project with the Github Repo URL, I kept getting the error below.

After going through the Salesforce help article, here are the steps how I fixed the issue.

Github user account settings

Step 1:

Go to my Github user account settings

Github Integrations Applications

Step 2:

Find Integrations > Applications

Salesforce Integration Application

Step 3:

Click on Authorized OAuth apps , I can see Salesforce Integration Application, and click on it

Step 4

Click the request button of the organization I don’t have access.

Step 5: Once I have access, I go to my DevOps center org, and Click your profile icon, then select Settings. and then I can see Authentication Settings for External Systems

Authentication settings for external systems in Salesforce

Step 6: Delete DevOps Center GitHub. and then I can create a new project accessing my organization org by authenticating my Github account again.

Hope these steps can help you set up your DevOps center with your organization Github repos.


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